WordPress Tips

WordPress makes it easy to get your business site up and running but comes with a major caveat. You need to do regular maintenance and updates if you want your customers to be happy and secure. Knowing the common WordPress maintenance mistakes to avoid is crucial.

Is your website loading too slowly? As you probably know from your own experience, a few things are more annoying than a slow website. If your site is taking too long to load, or if certain elements within your site take longer than others, it could cost you.

About 35% of all active sites worldwide are running WordPress. In fact, over 50,000 new websites come to life through WordPress daily. WordPress even powers 30% of all online shops.

More than 409 million people look up at least 20 billion pages supported by WordPress every month. The popularity of the content management system can be linked to its ease of use. Website designers, developers, and business owners with no programming background can use WordPress to create a custom website.

As anyone with a litany of half-built websites can tell you, follow-through is important. Even after finishing a site, you can't simply leave it alone, not if you expect it to function for long.

Would you believe that over 95% of websites run on outdated software? With known vulnerabilities nonetheless! This is one of the most crucial aspects of website maintenance, and overlooking it means exposing yourself to a wide array of security risks.

Running and maintaining a coaching website is a huge facet of your coaching business - along with client meetings, coaching sessions, and marketing, it can add to your overall brand. Websites allow for complete personalization of who you are and what your business is about, and websites are completely customizable. 

If you’re running a coaching business, whether it be coaching people in the realm of business, health, or training, having a website is essential. It’s the number one way to reach people and build a brand and a sense of community around your business.