If you are running your coaching business online, starting up an email newsletter to send out to clients can really give that personal touch. The clients you work with and coach interact with you through meetings and emails, sure, but sending out bi-weekly or monthly newsletters shows that you go beyond regular coaching service.

Consider starting a coaching newsletter with tips related to your field. It could involve a round-up of important blogs and articles, or highlighting news that’s happened in the industry, or quick and easy coaching tips to improve their business.
It can be daunting to set up a newsletter, and we’ll break down some simple ways you can get started to send out your newsletter to your coaching clients.
Create A Newsletter Template
If you don’t know how to make a newsletter template or you simply want a premade template, there are softwares and websites, like Microsoft Publisher, Lucidpress, and others who offer a variety of beautiful templates.
Ginny Mineo at HubSpot says that to keep viewers reading, make sure you know the aim of your newsletter:
“Before you start drafting a single word, make sure you're fully aware of the newsletter's goal and how it fits into your larger content strategy...Is your newsletter supposed to help you generate leads? Get more email contacts? Send traffic to your website? Figure out your goal and let the rest of your decisions flow from it.”
Use An Email Host
There are plenty of email hosts available for free or for a fee, like MailChimp. With these newsletter host sites, you can customize the look of your newsletter and easily have the group of emails to send to, ready at the push of a button.
If you don’t want to use an email host, you can send out emails manually. Make sure to Bcc all the clients you send the newsletter to, otherwise you will risk sending out personal information to everyone.
You can set up a newsletter button on your coaching website easily and keep a list of names as an email group. Here’s a tutorial explaining how to add a subscription form to your WordPress site:
American Express explains why newsletters provide that personal touch to your client service:
“Connecting to your customers in person is a matter of being personable, presentable, and professional—and that's easy to do via email as well. Your newsletter can provide great value, beyond sales, by informing your customers with interesting content that resonates with them. So, how do you provide value, and why does it matter? People don’t buy because you sell. They buy because they trust you, are loyal to you, and are fans of your business.”
To Save Time, Create An RSS Feed For Your Blog
A quick and easy way to set up a newsletter that can save you time is through setting up an RSS feed to your blog. If you’re consistently updating and writing blog posts on your websites, users can be sent emails whenever there’s an update to your blog.
There’s plenty of tutorials available online on how to set up an RSS feed, like this one from WsCubetech:
If you’re interested in learning about more tips from us, sign up for a plan on our website and see what works for you.